Wednesday, 2 October 2013

Knowledge Keeper 2

Before our online lecture, in the previous week we learned about deep concepts about what makes up a game. This was similar to a lot of the content taught in Game Development 1. This time around its called "The Structure of Games". The structure of games is a list of many different things that make up what a game is. A game is made up of man things such as Players, Objectives, Procedures, Rules, Resources, Conflict, Boundaries, and Outcome.This blog will go into detail about some of the most interesting elements listed above, but not all of them
Players playing a game
Players: No matter what kind of activity is going on, in order for it to be classified as a "game" it must have people playing it. These people are known as the players. If there is no one to play a game, how can it be considered a game? Games have different roles players can take on in, multiplayer team games or solo role playing games. Whether your a soldier capturing a flag, a dwarf warrior getting treasure, or a thimble collecting money to buy real estate, someone has to play that role to make it a game.

Rules: Rules structure games in order to make them a playable and enjoyable experience. It defines what the game is. The game Soccer is what it is because you can't use your hands. If you could pick up the ball it would be considered football or rugby. Having these restrictions on a player makes the game fair, playable, and enjoyable by the players.    

Resources: These are the objects tat have high value to a player. These items may be hard to find, help the player achieve their goals quicker and efficiently, or keep them in the game for longer periods of time. Games that have inventory use resources as means to tell how well a person is doing in game. For example, if the player has the bow in his inventory they can progress to parts of the level  the bow is needed. Resources make games what they are because they create a sense of urgency or need. They create this urgent atmosphere because getting these objects help the player complete their goals.
Ammo is a type of resource

Though these are only a few things that make up the structure of games, they are essential and core to making  games what they are. In order for a game to be playable it most definitely needs to have players, resources, and rules. Following this structure will make a game enjoyable, engaging, and of course, playable.

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